I am … a procrastinator

I am ... a procrastinator

“Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task” – William James

Oh the irony in my first blog being about procrastination.  I’ve had this blog ready to upload for months and yet didn’t have my website or attached blog site created so I could actually upload my blog on procrastination.

It gets worse.  A couple of months ago I had a deadline looming and unfortunately the task for this particular client was not on my “love to do” list.  So I just kept delaying what I’d already put off for weeks (no, if I’m honest with myself months).  Despite my partner Chayne gently and then not so gently encouraging me on the side – I just kept doing anything and everything I could – including cleaning the whole house from top to bottom just so I had an excuse not to do what had to be done.  What the???

I knew it was really bad when I looked up a quote on procrastination and posted it on Facebook instead of just getting on with it.  Yup, I did.  Some of you even “liked” it.

However, finding the quote did give me an idea for my first blog post.  So here it is…………

Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task. ~William James

So so true!!!  In my case, I wasn’t sleeping properly, I was cranky, I was just over thinking about it.  I spent a week in a frustrated yet exhausted state wishing it would all just somehow get done by itself and I could return to ‘normal’.  I’m pretty sure that my partner, Chayne, was wishing the same.  The good news is that I did eventually get it done and the client loved it but I do not want to repeat the exercise again.  It was truly ‘fatiguing’.

As individuals – professionally or personally we all procrastinate at one time or another but the question is why? And what to do about it? Especially because we all know how crippling it is or as the quote states how fatiguing.

The thing for me personally is that I know I also procrastinate in my personal life.  I’ve been talking about getting back into a regular exercise regime since we returned from our trip around Australia (10 months ago).   I’ve even bought vouchers to attend classes of Zumba and our local gym and I still didn’t really wholeheartedly go.  Why? Why? Why?

I think back over my life and there are times that I can recall like doing uni assignments where I was up until 6am in the morning  trying to finish the damn thing (not learning anything) and would then drive the assignment in for the deadline at 8am.  I’d promise myself not to do it again, but inevitably at times I did.  Why? Why? Why?

My name is Janine and I am a procrastinator.

So here are some of the reasons I think I procrastinate from time to time which might also be the reasons you procrastinate:

  1. It was something that I didn’t enjoy doing, a topic I wasn’t interested in…….it just didn’t push my buttons!  I was not at all passionate about it.
  2. I didn’t put time aside each day to tackle it.  No strategy at all on how I would get this done.  I was at times waiting for the genie in the bottle.
  3. I was completely overwhelmed with the actual task.  It was just too big and too difficult in my head.  I didn’t know where to start.
  4. The deadline was far away, the perfect excuse.
  5. I was actually scared that I would fail.
  6. It was something new and therefore scary to take the first step.
  7. I had so much going in my life generally that it was easy to push the hard stuff to the bottom.
  8. At times there was an element of pure laziness born out of fear.
  9. Sometimes there was actually a benefit in not doing it.
  10. I could think of all the reasons as to “why I couldn’t” but wasn’t focused on “the benefits if I did”.

Consider your own reasons why you procrastinate?  Remember this is not just about a task at home or work.  Have you procrastinated in starting to do something that’s been on your personal “to do” list for a while?  Are there things at work that you always end up doing at the last minute?

Dealing with the “why?” we do something is just as, if not more important than actually stepping into “action”.  There are always reasons behind choosing a certain behaviour.  Once you understand why, then it is about choosing to take the first steps towards doing something about it and recognising that you will be better off by starting than doing nothing.  In summary, making a more effective choice.

So what can I do to stop procrastinating and start doing?

  1. Pros and Cons:
    • Evaluate the consequences of not starting or doing something that you know has to be done.  What’s the downside of not doing it – physically and emotionally?
    • Evaluate WIIFM (What’s in it for me?) by getting it done!  The advantages of doing what has to be done – physically and emotionally. Visualise it and feel it.
  2. Manageable Chunks:
    • If it is a large task or goal, take small steps (break it into manageable chunks) over time. Celebrate the achievement of the smaller steps or goals towards the big picture.
  3. Plan ahead. 
    • If it doesn’t have to be done all at once and especially if it is something that you don’t like doing – do little bits first thing in the day.  Get it over and done with! That way you are working your way towards getting it done but you don’t have to drown yourself in it.  There is still a sense of achievement and you won’t have the guilt of not doing anything looming over you.
  4. Focus! 
    • If it does have to be done in a small amount of time.  Do something about it for small periods of time, then take a short breaks (go for a quick walk outside to get some fresh air, make a cup of tea, check Facebook, make a phone call etc) and go back to it for another set period of time.
  5. Put it down on paper. 
    • Especially when the task at hand is so big that it seems almost impossible the best advice I can give is to just get it on paper.  Even if the first thing you do is a brain dump and just get all the thoughts swilling around your head in front of you…..because from there you really will see it’s not so big or at least be able to start to put a plan of action together.
  6. Have the conversation. 
    • I don’t know how many times over my career people have complained to me about someone and my first question back is “have you told them”.  9 times out of 10 the answer is “no!”………and my response is “people don’t know what they don’t know”.  Of course there is an entirely different blog about the way you tell someone something and the intent behind it (blog no 2’s idea was just born). So choose ‘how’ wisely!
  7. Choose a passion.
    • If at all possible and you have a choice, don’t choose to do things that don’t interest you, that you won’t be passionate about because the reality is that you won’t be motivated to get it done.  However, reality bites.  I know that this is not always possible and that life is at times about doing what we don’t like doing.  In this case refer to the above.

You’ll be pleased to know that I have since done 3 key things to help me prevent procrastination moving forward.

  1. I have completed “Your Best Year Yet” by Jinny Ditzler which has enabled me to set my goals for the next 12 months and break them down in monthly and weekly manageable chunks.  I forgot just how powerful this book was.
  2. I am now walking our dog every day and love it and have set goals in terms of distance to challenge myself
  3. As part of my goals  in my best year yet, I have vowed to only take on jobs that I am passionate about and that are aligned with my vision, values and services I want to offer.  That way I know I’ll give 120% and do what I know how to do.  Both I and my clients will be better off overall.

Here are 3 great books I’d recommend to anyone about procrastination or setting goals.

  1. Eat that Frog by Brian Tracey
  2. First things First by Stephen Covey
  3. Your Best year Yet by Jinny Ditzler

I also came across this blog which tickled my funny bone …….it might be about a writer procrastinating but oh so relevant to everyone and I’m pretty sure I’ve met her two best friends.


What will  you do in your life to prevent being fatigued by procrastination?

Leave your comments, quotes or insights below as I’d love to hear from you.

Until next time, I choose to be disciplined not a procrastinator!


2 thoughts on “I am … a procrastinator

  1. Hi there – umm – procrastination: my best tool is the swiss cheese approach – maybe I’ve talked of this before – I know I bore my kids with it – but it works for me …. Think of a piece of swiss cheese – a big chunk of cheese with holes in it. Well, if have a project that is way too big or I’m putting off, I think of it as a piece of swiss cheese. The key is to make a start – even a small start, like making a phone call for example. Each thing you do makes a hole in your swiss cheese. Before you know it – you have lots of holes in your cheese, and by that time you’re probably quite motivated to finishing the job. Lyn

  2. Love your blog on procrastination! Perfect. I will use it during my journey and share it with others that I think may benefit.

    Great work. Liz

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